søndag den 22. august 2010

Ready to start my life

As it says, I'm now ready to start my life.
I got a B on my Chemestry exam, with which I am completely pleased! I was hoping just to pass, so a B is just amazing :)
My grandma (on my mum's side) offered yesterday that sometime during the upcoming week, she will take me shopping for what I may need for my flat. You know, utensils and stuff. In addition to that, my grandfather's wife (on my fathers side) offered that I could come take a look in her kitchen. There's a lot of things she isn't using, and she wants me to come see if there's anything I want. What can I say? My family is amazing!
I spent the day with Sceptor, a musicalgroup I'm in. At the moment, we are working on a production called "Beat It", based on, of course, Michael Jackson and his songs. Today, a quite sweaty bunch of us finishe the choreography for They Don't Really Care About Us - it's inspired by the "This is It"-choreography, but with our own twists, of course. It's going to be one kick-arse opening scene :)
Alright, I'm off to bed, just a quick update. I've got 8 hours of work tomorrow!

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