mandag den 13. september 2010
Late Night Blues
Well, I guess this is the end of another weekend. Saturday evening Charlotte came over, she's like the sis I never had. It's been a while since we actually hung out, so we watched some bad tv-shows, munched on unhealthy snacks and just chilled. I love Charlotte, everything's just so relaxed with her. I guess that's what it's like to have a sister, eh?
I've settled into my flat, btw, and I love it here. It's just me, myself and the cardboard boxes with all my stuff, lol. I do miss my brothers though. I speak to my mum every day, so that's not so bad, but since I've moved I've realized how close my brothers and I actually are, especially me and Mikkel, the oldest at 17 yrs. It's just weird not seeing them every day. I've made a deal with Mikkel, though, as my flat is practically next door to his regular pub. The deal is that he can come sleep here if he's too drunk to get home on his own, and in exchange his air-matress stays here for me to use if I have people staying over. Besides that, he's promised to come cook me dinner every now and again. Did I mention that he's quite awesome in a kitchen? lol.
Anyways, just a quick rant sprung from insomnia. I want my bank advisor to order my MasterCard Debit, NOW!
Hello Brooklyn, hey L.A.
Take the streets all night 'cos we sleep all day
When the world comes crashing down, who's ready to party?
... I've developed a quite unhealty liking to All Time Low and Alex Gaskarth. Why aren't there guys like him around here? Lol!
onsdag den 1. september 2010
It's incredible how a (very expensive!) bus ride home from work can inspire you - I wish I had an iPhone so I could show you just what put these following words into my head. Sadly, you just have to use your imagination :)
Cotton candy clouds on a blue horizon
And I feel lucky just to be here
The Sun is on the verge of its big break-through
And I feel lucky just to live
Alright, I'm off, I've got knowledge to aquire and a room to move.
søndag den 22. august 2010
Ready to start my life
I got a B on my Chemestry exam, with which I am completely pleased! I was hoping just to pass, so a B is just amazing :)
My grandma (on my mum's side) offered yesterday that sometime during the upcoming week, she will take me shopping for what I may need for my flat. You know, utensils and stuff. In addition to that, my grandfather's wife (on my fathers side) offered that I could come take a look in her kitchen. There's a lot of things she isn't using, and she wants me to come see if there's anything I want. What can I say? My family is amazing!
I spent the day with Sceptor, a musicalgroup I'm in. At the moment, we are working on a production called "Beat It", based on, of course, Michael Jackson and his songs. Today, a quite sweaty bunch of us finishe the choreography for They Don't Really Care About Us - it's inspired by the "This is It"-choreography, but with our own twists, of course. It's going to be one kick-arse opening scene :)
Alright, I'm off to bed, just a quick update. I've got 8 hours of work tomorrow!
onsdag den 18. august 2010
My next milestone

It's a real beauty, isn't it? lol. I'm also dying to have these Joan Boots, but with my economy, they're not going to be mine anytime soon. Besides, I'll hardly have time to shop anyway. I'm starting school for real in just two weeks, I have to find a job besides school, and then there's of course all the official stuff of moving and such. But I know it's going to be great. At the age of 20, I really should be able to take care of myself :)
Just a quick rant about life, and love for jewelry :) Note to self: Buy that jewelry-case Marie has displayed on her blog AND THE BLACK in Netto. it's pure genius, and that way, my accessories won't be piled up everywhere in my new flat ;)
mandag den 9. august 2010
For starters, I twisted my ancle quite heavily walking home in my wedges (as I'd done a gazillion times before) after a night out. Second, I'm busy atm studying chemestry so I can get into dream-study, at which I'm actually already accepted, and I've got 3 weeks to finish a C-level chemestry course. Third, my computer is back from service after having crashed and been in a coma for almost a year (Thanks a lot, Dad!). Fourth, I really really really want to buy so many things, but I also have to save up for an apartment, books and so much other stuff you actually need.
That being said, I purchased an iPod Touch 32GB today, and I feel sooo hi-tech :) I know, I know, everyone else are buying iPhones, but I'm happy with my black and pink Nokia 5310 Express Music phone. I just really needed a replacement for my iPod Nano Ancient edition :) Seriously, it's from when the nano still had edges. I think it was even before the iPod Shuffle. I know, it's ancient.
I walked by this shop the other day. They have a lot of clothes I wouldn't dream of being seen in (I'm an H&M girl to heart :D), but I swear, their jewelries.... I have to go take a further look at those tomorrow after school, and then ignore the fact that the store is right across from my bank..
Just a quick update about the bits and pieces in my life right now. My bed is calling and I have to get at least a little bit of sleep before 6 hours of chemestry tomorrow!
mandag den 14. juni 2010
Jazeema's Wish - the prologue
Looking around her, Jazeema felt the panic creeping in on her. All the faces staring at her used to look so familiar, but in this moment, they looked ever so strange. She didn't recognize their stares, didn't recognize the angry furrowing of the brows. Their angry voices in her head were unbearable. In this moment she realized that she was now in too deep. In too deep in friendships that would never be the same; in too deep in the lies she had spun in attempt to achieve her dreams; and in too deep in the lie, she had convinced herself would be true, if only she hoped hard enough.
In this moment, Jazeema couldn't do anything but admit her defeat.
Ta-daa! Here you go. I'm still trying to figure out how to start it all out, but this prologue just popped up in my head, and so I had to write it down before it disappeared.
fredag den 11. juni 2010
The L-word ?
I am feeling philosophical today, excuse my ranting.
The L-word. What is it, really? Love, some says. The L-word is love. But why love? Love is a positive thing, or so they say. I beg to differ. Yes, love can be the single most wonderful thing in the world. But, it can also destroy you. Nothing hurts more than to love someone and not be loved back. "The greatest thing you'll ever learn is just to love and be loved in return". Who says we all will be loved in return?
Why does love have to be a positive word? Love destroys people. Love leads to broken hearts. I met a boy, who I was willing to commit to long-distance. Nothing happened, because he was afraid of love. He is afraid of loving and comitting to another person. He told me, straight out, that if we became an item, and then broke up, he wouldn't survive it, literally. Did I mention that this guy suffers from a severe depression. He nearly tried killing himself when his last girlfriend ended it. He is afraid of loving, because he knows it might hurt him.
The L-word. If it's not love, then what is it? Life? Learning? Living? Or on a more negative note; Loathing? Yes, love is a strong emotion, but so is loathing. Have you ever tried loathing someone so much, you felt it with every fibre of your being? No, me neither. Thank God for that - I hope I never get to experience something like that.
TV says that the L-word is lesbian. There's a fantastic tv-show called "The L-word", and to sum it up, it's kinda like "Sex & the City" but with lesbian main characters. It's about lesbian women and their lives and loves and how they get by. Every person is different - the ex-druggie, the tennis-star, the independent woman, the gallery-owner, the butch girl, the femme; you name it. But is it really that easy to define who a person is, by labelling them like I just did? Because there's more to people than just that. Shane is an ex-druggie, yes. But she's also one of the best hairdressers, who serve multiple clients, highclass as well as lowclass, dreaming about her own shop someday. Should we really let our past define who we are, or even more, who people label us as?
I say no. The L-word is about people telling you who to be and what you're capable of or not. That was proved by Susan Boyle, a Scottish woman who surprised everyone by entering the stage of "Britain's got Talent", plain as she looked, and singing like an angel. She dreamed of singing professionally, and everyone scoffed, finding it hard to believe that this woman could sing well, until she opened her mouth and sang. Susan Boyle followed her dreams, and now they've come true. She followed her Love for singing. She found her own L-word.
The L-word must mean something different to each of us, then, I believe. One person's Love, another person's Loathing. One person's Life, another person's Learning. The L-word is undefineable without the shades of grey that are important for every creature to be unique.
There's an L-word for all of us. We just have to figure it out for ourselves.
mandag den 7. juni 2010
Pixie Lott - 'Use Somebody' ( Kings Of Leon Acoustic Cover)
My, do I love this song! I love Pixie Lott, I love Kings of Leon, and I love "Use Somebody" - it just doesn't get any better than this. Except for her album, "Turn it up", which I absolutely love.
A cute guy will be visiting me this weekend. I'm taking him out for sushi and a movie - it's gonna be great *^_^*
Work tomorrow, 8 hours - as if I want to. Bah.
A teaser for my novella "Jazeema's Wish" is on the way :)
onsdag den 26. maj 2010
The first Bits and Pieces
This blog is called Bits and Pieces, 'cause that's what I'm going to post. Little Bits and Pieces of everything. My life, my everyday, my thoughts. A little bit of everything.
I will also be posting teasers and little Bits from various short stories and novels written by me, as well as some poetry-work in Danish as well as in English.
For now, I'm gonna put on some music, kill some time on computer games and hope for that cute guy to text me back...